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vaikuntha viNNAgaram vaNangu madanenjE
The above is the view of Sri Vaikuntavalli samEtha Sri Vaikunta Nathan of Thiru Vaikunta Vinnagaram dhivyadesam at ThirunAngUr. Here emperumAn is giving darshan in amarntha (iruntha) thirukOlam as He is at Sri Vaikuntam or Paramapadham and was prathyaksham to Udhanga maharishi and Uparisaravasu. The other name for moolavar is "thAmarai kaNNudaiya pirAn". Infact adiyEn personally enquired the bhattar to show the eyes of moolavar perumal, where he showed the stretch of eyes running from nose to ears. It was a delight and still wonderful sEvai. An another unique is the style in the sitting posture of emperumAn. Here emperumAn (both moolavar and Uthsavar) sits as in Vaikunta lOkam. One hand resting on knees, another on the floor. Please watch out His style in next pictures. Since here emperumAn is giving darshan as like in Vaikuntam, there is no Dwajasthambam, separate GarudAzhwar, thAyAr and other sannidhi's. Only one sannithi that houses Sri Devi, Bhoo Devi, NeelA devi samEtha Sri Vaikunta Natha perumal. Infront of the temple, you can watch a small sannidhi along the walls that houses Surya Narayana Perumal. Let's go inside and have darshan of perumAl and His consorts!
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